Recruitment trends in 2023 

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2023 is here, and there are exciting trends that you need to be aware of than the norm. With the rise of remote hiring, technology and Artificial Intelligence (AI) in the hiring process, candidate shortages, the recruitment landscape is changing quickly.

By understanding the key trends that will shape the recruitment world, you can ensure that you stay ahead of the competition when it comes to finding the best talent for your own business, or as a Recruitment Consultant for a client.


There have always been some employees that have worked remotely, and this is a trend that has been growing in recent years, with both businesses and employees benefiting from the move. Businesses are recognising the benefits of hiring remotely, with lower costs and increased productivity among them.

The demand for remote working is growing, with many people wanting to work fewer hours and be able to make better use of their time. Businesses are also starting to recognise that the best person for the job might not be in the same location as them. The move to remote working is expected to change the recruiting landscape. It may make the process trickier for businesses, but it also presents new opportunities to attract and retain talent.

When it comes to hiring, businesses will need to be clear on what skills and experience candidates require to do the job remotely. According to Hire Hive, Jobs offering remote work in the UK rose by 274 per cent since the start of the pandemic while searches for remote work grew by 674 per cent.

It’s clear that the pandemic-enforced shift to widespread remote, hybrid and flexible working will be a permanent feature. Businesses are embracing this will widen their talent pool and could relax some of the strain on recruitment.

In addition, employees with access to hybrid work are happier with their Employer to find a work/life balance and reduced commuting costs especially considering current cost of living crisis. 


According to Shane Malik, Senior Recruiter at Simpalm, Artificial Intelligence is a trend that has been growing in various industries, including recruitment. It is increasingly common for businesses to use AI to increase efficiency and drive productivity, including hiring new staff.

Businesses can use AI tools to find new talent by scanning the sourcing platforms like LinkedIn and Indeed for potential employees. AI tools will screen and filter candidates, helping businesses identify the best candidates quickly and efficiently. AI tools are also used to manage the recruitment process, from job descriptions to onboarding, improve employer branding by analysing articles and data related to a company, and manage workloads.

AI tools are not fully automated but can be programmed to handle tasks that would typically be done by humans. This includes organising databases and helping to find information quickly. Investing in recruitment technology will be crucial to eliminating costly inefficiencies, allowing recruitment teams to work smarter, not harder.

However, establishing and maintaining human connections will remain the key to standing out from the competition and securing the best talent.


Social media has become increasingly important in business and society in recent years. Businesses use social media to communicate with customers, advertise, and find new talent. Some industries, primarily the recruitment and tech sectors, have been using social media to hire for years. But now, more industries are using social media to hire new talent.

The use of social media in recruiting is expected to grow in the coming years. Social media platforms like LinkedIn are a great way to find new candidates. You can find candidates who don’t have the right experience for a job but may have the right skills.

Social media helps businesses learn about potential employees, including their skillsets, interests, and ambitions.  A business digital presence should reflect its values, goals and successes to avoid deterring this new wave of candidates.

Engaging in topical discussion and sharing industry insights on social media can be a great place to start. 


According to Neil Costa, Founder and CEO of HireClix, another trend that is expected to grow in the years to come is data driven recruitment. Data driven recruitment is the use of data to help businesses find new candidates.

The data that businesses use can vary widely depending on their needs. It can include data from social media, as well as information from job boards and other recruiting tools. Data driven recruitment is very helpful for businesses that need to scale up the search to find talent.


Businesses will lack knowhow, time and can become costly in strategies to find talent. Recruiters will play an important role in 2023 to find talent and educate clients with recruitment trends. In addition, with candidates in high demand and short supply coupled with rising job board costs, 2023 will see recruiters focus the core of their candidate attraction activities on social sourcing and reengaging their existing candidate database.

It is estimated that 4 in every 5 job board applications come from candidates already in an recruiters database so it’s no surprise to see so many recruitment leaders leaning on a reengagement strategy in 2023. Ensuring cost per placement is kept to a minimum in a world of rising business costs.

Social sourcing and data driven recruitment will also continue to trend upwards as a candidate attraction strategy, with an estimated 87 per cent of recruiters using LinkedIn when searching for new talent. These trends point towards a shift in focus, whereby recruiters and their clients focus more heavily on individual candidates and employees.  

The balance of power between businesses and candidates often weakens and surges. Yet in 2022, candidates certainly had the upper hand. The shortage of candidates has persisted throughout the year, often leaving businesses across industries scrambling to fill vacancies.

Therefore, it’s vital to understand the forthcoming trends in order to navigate them.